Tuesday, March 30, 2010


One step closer
flights are confirmed and tickets are purchased!

We depart on July 7th from Portland and arrive in Nairobi on July 8th at 7:25 pm. Very brief layovers in Newark and Amsterdam.

Working on final plans and travel for our stay in Kenya..... playing with elephant orphans and giraffes; a camp out in Masai Mara game park, some golf ..... all for fun!

The real work .... providing an after school (and school for those who don't attend) in Kiberia with St. Martha's orphans, a meeting with officials of Kiberia and Nairobi government, dedication of St Martha's land, worship at KCC (Karen Community Church), medical team work with Bul Bul (an outreach of KCC) in Kiberia, and much more!

Excited to have you share in our mission....

Becki & companions

Friday, March 26, 2010

Dreams do come true . . .

Dreams do come true....

Two years ago, I had the privilege to travel to Kenya with the Youth Mission Team from Vancouver First United Methodist Church. I fell in love with the people, the land, and the culture. I promised to return one day and build an orphanage and women's center that would serve the Widows and orphans of Kibera.

Eunice, director of St. Martha's Ministry shared the following in an email last fall:

"St Martha's Ministry has acquired 3 hectare piece of land worth ksh.450,000 at the south part of Nyanza near Migori town, one hectare has been donated free, so the Ministry is to buy the two. St Martha's has paid a deposit of ksh.120,000. The money used in paying the deposit was from Becki of 1st United Methodist Church in Washington State through the sale of jewelry. The land was acquired in that area because it's climate and the area is also fertile for agricultural specially a cash crop which is planned for sustainability.

The land has now been purchased.

My family, Allison, Chance and I, along with our family friend, Rachel will travel to Kenya in July to be a part of the celebration and dedication of the land. It is an honor to represent our church as we bless the land and turn the soil to begin the next phase of the project.

You can journey with us by keeping us in your prayers as we finalize plans for our trip.

You can help support our work in Kenya as we provide a day program for orphans who are unable to attend school. Help us to collect the following items:

pencils, stickers, color crayons & colored pencils, coloring books
small toys and games ~ cars, cards, dolls

soccer balls & ball pumps
individually wrapped candy ~ no chocolate
children's t-shirts (used is fine)
children's sandals ~ light weight

With the help of Vancouver First, we were able to provide underwear as part of their school uniforms. We sent 600 pair in January to St Martha's for distribution.

I am excited to return to Kenya! I will see my friends Eunice, Richard, Mama Bear, Lucy and Ezekiel and introduce them to my family. We will worship at Karen Community Church and share in their ministry in Bul Bul. We will spend time with our adopted baby at the Elephant Orphanage.

We are excited that you will be with us on this adventure ~

Becki and her traveling companions.