Monday, March 18, 2013

Ezekiel and Lucy are coming to Washington

The Wainiania's in Hindi Town, Kenya

We are back!!  We haven't been gone and Kenya and the people we love have never left our hearts!  My family and our dear friend Rachel told all of our friends in Kenya ~ You have to come to the US and visit us!!!   Little did we know two years ago that our words would become a reality!
Lucy and Ezekiel Wainiania will be arriving in Vancouver USA tomorrow night!  They will be with us for a whirlwind five days of worship, speaking, and seeing our great Pacific Northwest.  They were in Virgina at Peninsula Community Chapel with Jon and Kate Shaw last week and will end their US trip with a stay in Vancouver.
Ezekiel and Lucy are missionaries who work with the Aweer People in Boni Land Kenya.  They provide medical and educational support to a tribe of people who are the poorest in Kenya.  Some of their work has been with refugees who are leaving war torn Somalia. 
You can hear them speak at Vancouver First UMC (401 E 33rd street) both Wednesday and Sunday.
Wednesday, March 20  7pm in Jason Lee Hall
Palm Sunday, March 24, Sanctuary
Ezekiel will be sharing the message with Pastor David Tinney
We would love for you to join us on Wednesday or Sunday to meet our dear friends. 
News from our family ~  Chance and I will be traveling to Kenya in August.  Our time will be spent in EmBulbul with John and James from the Youth Art Project.  We will be assisting with  the community medical camp.  I will be working with young women in the Youth Art Project on women's health and education.
Allison has been selected as an expert teacher for the Little Ripples Organization.  She is working with other early childhood educators to teach teachers in Chad.  She will travel to Chad in October as a part of this program.
Rachel has just been honored as Evergreen School Foundation's Educator of the Year.  What an honor!  I knew when I saw her embrace the children in Kenya that she was already a master teacher.  Rachel will join us on a trip in 2014.
You can follow Ezekiel and Lucy's stay in Vancouver on our blog or our Facebook pages.  It won't be two years before we update again!
Blessings to each of you...


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