Sunday, August 1, 2010

Some Fun in the Sun

In the midst of all the rewarding work we have been doing we took a few afternoons to enjoy the ocean, sand and each other!

We spent time in the Indian Ocean, on the volleyball court and dancing at the disco! It was a joy to have Jon with us at the coast for a few days. Uno became a favorite after dinner activity. We were all delighted to learn the Indian Ocean is WARM and not so delighted to be covered in seaweed!

Here are a few shots from our fun in the sun!

Getting ready to head into the ocean!

Rachel and Allison wave jumping - yes Rachel is REALLY in the ocean!

At the turtle rehabilitation center in Watamu - a highlight for Rachel!

Rachel and her sea turtle - it does not fit in her suitcase though...

Our view of the ocean!

Some good clean rugby on the beach - notice Jon's skills on the 'field'

Clean until the sister gets that ball...

Chance and Richard kayaking in the ocean

Rachel getting the party started - please note NO ONE else is dancing!

We earned the term "mzungu" that night

Jon's stellar jump serve

Chance at the net - notice the height

Allison, with perfect form!

Mom was there with us, but she was either behind the camera or deep into a good book!

All our best,
The kids in Kenya!


  1. Glad to see that you are having some fun besides all the work you've accomplished. Have safe travels home. Looking forward to seeing and talking to you all.

  2. Kaitlyn would be very impressed by Jon's jump serve!!! Nice volleyball form Allison! The kayaking looked like fun Chance! Rachel you make me smile - such a wonderful heart you all have! It looks like a wonderful time spent decompressing after all of your hard work.
